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LOCATE  [-C] [bptr|name] [READ|WRITE]

* "LOCATE lockadress" (lockadress is a BPTR) shows information about
  that lock structure. fl_Access must be -1 (write) or -2 (read).
* "LOCATE filename_or_dirname READ" gets an ACCESS_READ lock structure on
  that file/dir.
* "LOCATE filename_or_dirname WRITE" gets an ACCESS_WRITE lock structure
  (exclusive lock) on that file/dir. This cannot be shown correctly,
  otherwise it would not be exclusive.
* "LOCATE -C lockadress" unlocks (removes) the lock structure (BPTR !).
* "LOCATE" shows all locks that are in system. Since OS2.0 this cannot
  show correctly all locks on RAM: because it is some kind of hack.

eg.     locate &21f45c        {shows lock on adress $21f45c}
        locate $9f5b7         {shows lock with BPTR $9f5b7}
        locate -c $9f5b7      {removes this lock}
        locate ram:rdit read  {tries to read-lock ram:rdit}
        locate c:mount write  {tries to write-lock c:mount}
        locate                (shows all locks in system}